The Office Group – Euston Office

The Office Group – Euston Office (åbnet 2013) er et fleksibelt bemandet kontorfællesskab med møderum, gruppe-arbejdsrum, mødelokaler og virtuelle kontorer beliggende i Euston, London. Cph Lightings Grid pendler i farven Beach oplyser receptionen, loungen og gruppe-arbejdsrummene.
“With an intimate Clubroom atmosphere our co-working spaces are a smart, innovative response to the way that work is changing. They are a network of spaces in key locations, where companies and individuals can work and meet in ways to that suit them. From longer-term, open workspaces to lounge-style rooms where you can drop in, the spaces have been designed around the needs of start-ups, freelancers, small businesses and mobile workers”.
Foto: The Office Group og Matt Clayton Photography